Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Farewell !! :)

Hello people wassup??doing well?? well as always my title suggest wat exactly m gonna write , n today that will be ......"my last blog" :) well honestly i cant lie, n if uh wud read my few blogs uh wud know dat i write wat i feel....i dont write just fr the sake of writing .n since i have disclosed this blogs to few people i know.......i will really find it hard to write my heart out. :)
                       when i started writing this blog, i knew nothing about writing. i didnt know how to write everything within few words. my blogs usually were a large mess of wrds with no particular focus points.  It still hasnt change much loll but i m learning , maybe sumday i will be a good enough of a writer fr all of uh to read :)
    Anyways so this is gonna be my last blog today n i tell uh beforehand, srry fr the mistakes since m feeling really nostalgic right now. m not gonna recheck this piece again. :P srryyy :D Nostalgic fr wat?? uh must be thinking ..well for this blog ofcourse. since my first draft this blog has been my close companion  , it has been with me through all my odds. there were times wen this was my only salvation. For all the mess i have created here and for all the late updates...i still cherish each n every piece of my writing :) they r like my story book, a picture book which reminds me exactly wat i had been and wat m now... a friend who had always been there :).
                            I have always been an outcast ,a non confirmist, a psychotic crazy girl who just does not fit. No matter how much i try....m unusual and downright insane n thats sumthing i have to live with . maybe thats why i have to try more as compared to other people out there. to just not start hating myself. maybe this blog is just symbolic to that. i know i have to start anew, but maybe thats for better. i will create a new blog and this time will write things out in proper n better way. 
                        Its said that the hardest thing in this world is to accept urself just as uh r n its true. people r gonna spit shit at uh, gonna condemn uhbutwe have to move on As Robert Frost rightly said ...."I can sum up life in three words 'life goes on'" n yes it does.wegrow up, we learn, we fall , we stand....i just wish it were not so hard :) but i know whatever is happening its for good so m gonna embrace my hardships, i will llearn from n grow up. 
            I just hope maybe someday, i will understand things better n will take on life as a "mature tough " lady. Maybe sumday i will finally embrace myself n maybe will not be ashamed of my uniqueness. Maybe Sumday........ :)
so yeah farewell people.this was my last draft.thankuh all for keeping up with me n my craziness all these days. i truly really love uh all :) take care sayonara !!!