Saturday, July 26, 2014

People And Their Signs :P

Hiii folks!! well its has been nearly two weeks since i have written sum !! well ...i m not gonna say DAT i was bzzyyyy,,,,bcoz i was just slacking off!! heehee m very good at that :P well maybe its bcozz of the rains !! do uh hate rains?? i certainly do :P
                                                     I really cannot understand dat Wat's so romantic about it??  haha it reminds me of a friend who used to love rains n wen ever...i would say..."i hate rains" she would always be like..."Its because uh haven't fallen in love yet" i mean seriously?? o.O anyways.....m not blabbering here anymore....i know i can be damn annoying :P

Today i really haven't thought about anything to write.....well maybe i will talk today about my depressing side of life :P kidding ......:D its more about the types of people uh come across with and about the difficulties in understanding their reactions!!

Does it happens with uh?? :O well it happens with me all the time... :P often  leaves me perplexed of either i should say what i m feeling or just leave for the sake of the "peace of my mind"!! :P 
                 Like it was just other day.....i was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends n we were chatting happily...suddenly one of my angry and left  n we were all like...."WHAT THE HELL HAD HAPPENED" lol!! later they awl were after her....were trying to make her happy (they still didnt knw wat the hell had pissed her off :P :D) .....n she was like..."i don't care." "leave me alone" n awl. i could pretty much see how much she was enjoying awl the attention she was getting!! :D

well that was my friend....n i have a lot of other drama queens in my friends circle...its pretty entertaining :D uh wasn't the first time...she had done something like dat ...n practically she was the reason i got into the astrology stuff in order to understand people's mind set!! haha well astro is not that simple.......but if uh by chance able to find out about one's sign....there are few things that can help uh out!!
The list goes like this :P :D
1. Symptoms :P = A mountain like ego, very fond of one ownselves, always talking about how awsum n beautiful, n incomparable they are, No matter how hard uh try...uh wont be able to budge their superiority complex :P always ends up either arguing or pissing off in practically every situation , will compete like never before...:P

RESULTS!! = if following are the symptoms of ur enigma aka "that person" He/she is probably either Aries, Leo or any other fire sign.... in many cases a Virgo with Aries or Leo as another sign :P 
Precautions=> avoid them :D uh have no other matter how awsum uh think uh r....with this personalities either uh will end up getting hurt...or end up being an outcast for life!! yeah ask y?? well practically they love to shine and people.. like them.....well alot :P  well unless uh have a Aquarius or Pisces personality that is  SAVE URSELF :p :D

2. Symptoms= free spirited people, talks alot, easy to talk but can be annoying n a little airhead !! have this disease of instability, extreme intelligence and hard to control and yeah a huge god complex :P

RESULTS =>uh have probably met an air sign..with awl the symptoms given above :P they are easy to deal with people mostly....but if uh r having a hard time dealing with one is probably bcoz.either uh r earth....{Instability + Stability = Boom} :P or another fire uh have Ur own god complex to deal with after awl :P mostly fire n air are compatible...but as i said...astro is far more complex...there are a whole lot of factors that affects  :) so..the best way is agree with them or leave!! there is no point in arguing bcozz air people have solid ideals which cant be budged :P so either they will hurt uh (as fire one) or simply brush uh off!! bcozz they don't do with bullshits :D  Bcoz fr them uh r nt worth it :D

RECOMMENDATIONS= adjust with them ,,,they are witty smart n easy going people to hang out with!! so a little compromise is wont hurt i guess :D they will make Ur day ^_^

3. Symptoms= have a stick up in their asses, most hardworking people practically alive in this planet :P hard to budge from their thoughts and beliefs, super organised, very vocal about criticism, no bullshit type people :P very very conservative :P

RESULTS => if following are the symptoms of Ur problem...then congrats!! uh have found an earth sign!! As i have said "NO BULLSHIT PEOPLE" n i hate them :P even if i m a water sign ( it is said that water n earth are very compatible ) well mostly bcozzz i had very bad experiences with awl the earthly persons in my life! especially Virgo's!! well my suggestion wud be.....keep Ur mouth shut!! don't talk just bcozz uh have to..this can piss them off :P don't be rude to them....bcoz when they insults , believe me it stings (alot :D) try to be organised n perfect around them (bcoz they are the perfect people who hate embarrassments :P ) smells nice....make sure uh r not stinking :P don't argue with them...bcoz.they are calculating people and believe me....the arguments is never gonna end (uh will probably take the argument with uh to the grave :P lol) so yeah..if they like uh, be with them but if they dont..stay away unless uh fit in the given criteria :D

4. Symptoms= Crybabies ,clingy, extremely emotional, mama's children , love  romance,,,practically over flow with it, easy to be pushed , shy ,manipulative, compassionate, happy, charming  , homely, lovable, loyal, honest, psychic (they will practically tell uh if uh r faking....they will see through it and dude uh r gonna get it in the ass later :P ) and emotional mood swings :P

RESULTS=> The above symptoms belongs to a water sign!! they have awl the traits which i have mentioned above and can  be very clingy and possessive!! if uh r dealing with a person, who is very moody and hard to comprehend and will take uh to a guilty trip with them...then dude...uh r dealing with water  :P!!  the best way to deal with a water is to be honest with them..bcoz they value honesty!! if uh don't like them...say it so(try to be a little humble while doing so )..they will naturally back off !! don't try to fake bcozz they can see through it and will rip off Ur mask!! they can be bullied unless their feelings get freeze up n then be ready to go through hell...bcoz then the manipulative games starts n no matter how smart uh r....uh r gonna get it hard n harsh :P matter if uh love or hate them n then everything is fine ;)

RECOMMENDATIONS=> if uh r befriends with them....then believe it,,,uh r lucky bcoz uh have the most compassionate n loyal companion n they will give uh the push wen ever it is needed!! bcozz this sign "supports" :)

So here it is!! a little description of signs though let me remind uh astrology have many factors,,!! there are different signs houses n awl !! but if uh r trying to figure out a complicated personality n wanna know how to handle them!! i think this basics will give uh a little idea..on how to approach them :) 

OK so m wrapping it up!! cya tc...buhbye  :D
P.S. = let me know if uh r confused or something :P ;) i will try my best to help uh out :)

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