Sunday, May 26, 2013

CRaZy lIkE Me ;) :D

heya fellows!! today is first day of my writting this blog!! if uh seriously ask me why i am writting this...i dnt knw myself....i m just an ordinary teenager have inner conflicts with myself n trying to understand this "bad n mean" world.  loll as my parents say that :D well abt me?? there is nthng much....i love music n trolling like any other teenager of my m pretty gud painter. i had completed my 12th this year n now trying to find a suitable subject fr graduation !! Oh yeah i forgot to tell...i also wrk parttime well guess its better than lazying around awl day rite?? i cant describe wat i m currently feeling...frustrated?? low?? yeah pretty much i guess a side effect of being very ordinary :/ its like my heart is divided like india n pakistan :P yeah seriously...there are times wen i like myself n my selfesteem got a boost up after getting a great acknowledgement from my boss.....but sumtimes its just like i find myself questioning "am i worth of anything??" unfortunately today was one of those days with  sweet n sour experiences. i got admired by my boss and was backstabbed by one person i thought to be my "friend"..then due to bad mood caught in an very embarassing situation....phewww!! well i am hapy finally the day is over n i can breathe :P :D well i can be such a pessimist sumtimes...but at the end of the day i realised that for being respected by others i had to respect myself.......its doesnt matter that uh are nt good at everything or cool like ur college diva...wat matters is where do uh find urself at the end of the day?? its upto uh to decide wat uh r wrth fr!! i just stood in frnt of my mirror n asked myself..n uh knw wat i heard....."YES uh r"" uh r wrth of everything resect love n care.......its just uh tried to find it in the wrng people.........uh loved them n they didnt appreciate it simple?? just decide their right place and move on" " no one can make uh weak but urself" ! afterawl sum grt man had said no one is biggest teacher than time......through out the way m learning  it!! :) anyways enough of it time to go..hope tomorrow will be better than this gudnite!! :D

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