Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Quirks of Being a War-flower

Hello, folks! How are you doing? Fine? It is me again with my new piece of blabbered thoughts.
Well, have you ever thought what it is like to be in a war zone? To be on your toes all the time while looking out for enemies armed with weapons.
Tell you what? You have been. Remember the last time when you stood up to you parents for the stream you want to choose not the one they have decided for you, you were in a war zone.
Or the time when you finally decided to let go of the turbulent relationship you were in or the person you love because you can't take it anymore, you were in a war zone.
The time when you lost someone so dear to you that you felt yourself going numb from the pain, my friend you have been there.
Don't get me wrong. By no means, I wish to belittle the struggles that a soldier faces at the border rather, what I aim to point at is, that aren't we all the same. Aren't we all stuck in our own war zones struggling to find our way out there.
Eventually though, we come out of it or at least get better at hadnling.
Well, in my case, it took me years to get to this point. A place where I am totally comfortable with my weird self. Where I can be comfortably hungry for more that life has to offer and say thank you at the least that I get. 
The journey though, has been an unexpectedly turbulent one.
It was around my middle school years when I realised I am different. From hobbies to preferences, I realised,  I just don't fit in. And that's when things started going haywire.
I would often get laughed at for my perceptions and views (that were often very different from others), so much that over the time, it became a kind of norm for me. Things turned even worse after that. It's like constantly floating in the river of guilt with nothing to hold on. No matter what I say, it is prone to be called stupid and that's what they made me feel too.
That phase, now that I remember it, had been a funny one. It ripped many of my perceptions into pieces and showed me things I wouldn't have seen, otherwise.
It ultimately shaped my conscience too. The guilt phase, when I would blame myself for being a weirdo that society cannot accept, transformed into today's reality of me still* being a weirdo, but one that has risen above the barriers of society's thoughtlessness. 'What would people think?' is no concern of mine anymore.
The ultimate 'Cycle of Acceptance', I think that's what people say it. You deny, then despise, get depressed, accept a little and finally, there comes a time when you understand that it is you who needs to love yourself the first, and the most.
Today, looking back, I find my life to be a beautiful piece of mess. There are so many things I wished I knew, but then I am more than grateful for not knowing them. Ignorance is bliss!
So now when people ask me, often surprised (and shocked) by my 'unusualness', exactly what I am, my reply stays very simple- A war-flower.
A person who has struggled her way through the mess. The ongoing war between your own sense of worth and the one, that is determined by others. The war of being staying true to yourself even at the expense of being ridiculed, or accepting the norms and let your  identity fade away. I know it all. And, I have decided to speak it out.
It might not the most amazing story you will ever read, but then you know what? It does not have to.
That's the quirk of being a war-flower. You come to realise that everything you have experienced (no matter how insignificant it is to others) has become a part of yourself. Your conscious starts flaring as you become remotely aware of other people's sufferings. Your empathetic self helps you to see both sides of the coins and of course, you realise you hate being with people a lot more than you used to.
The word 'people' becomes synonymous to 'trouble', something you would rather stay away from. And that's how you finally learn to be at peace with yourself.
Life is like that, and the best way to deal with it is, 'Stay Put'

Monday, August 29, 2016

Reminiscence (Part-1) I M BACK!

Hello, people!

Yup, Nikita is back. I know I already said my farewell a year ago, but there are just something you can't do or well in my case, you don't. The blog has been an endearingly embarrassing reminder of my past self; a naive, eccentric girl who just don't know when to give up. Even though it's just been a year, for me it feels like decades have passed. No, I am not exaggerating.

Nowadays it seems like my life has become some sort of crazy rollercoaster ride with me being the centre of this madness. A lot of things have happened since I stopped blogging. I got a job while I was in the third year of college ( Did I tell you I graduated? No? Yup, I am a graduate now! Soooo happy!) which I handled like a Bowse :P Yup, the job turned out to be the best decision of my life. It had been fun. Learned loads of things and unlearned tons, that I shouldn't have learned in the first place. Get it?

Can you guess what my profile was? Creative Writer! Yup, after going through  my previous blogs and tons of errors, I know it is hard to imagine that I can get into something as beautiful as writing. Well, I did. Earlier, I used to write for myself. It was the only way for me to release my pent up frustrations and pain. I never gave much thought to all the details a good piece of writing needs, punctuations and all. My vocab had been great (thanks to all the HBO movies I have seen) but my fundamentals is something I am still working on. No issues, we learn, we grow. And that's what happened.

My one year of working as a writer has taught me many things. I learned that I really, really love writing. Not just as a means to rant but as a miracle that makes me happy. I have grown from my apparent negativity and low self-esteem I had back then. And above everything else, I have learned to love myself.

Well, a lot had happened and  I am glad they did. There is a whole lot I want to share but I don't think one blog will be sufficient for that. So for now, I will be taking my leave. I will soon be back with some awesome blossom stories of my this crazy journey. Till then, cya folks. Take care, stay happy.

P.S.- The blog is going to be continued. This will be a place where I would share my thoughts, reminiscences, and musings. If you have something to share too, you are most welcomed. Comment to let me know your thoughts. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Sayonara. :)