Saturday, September 27, 2014

A new learning experience :D

yo!! its been a while since i have been here :) well i wont say that i was busy.....but certainly i have my own ways of doing things :) i.e when i actually feel like it :D anyways..first of all hello ...well today had been a hectic day for me ....but there were incidents which had made the day fruitful :)
         Today we had been to "IBC 24" its a local but popular news channel here....n the experience was simply great :) before today i used to think that a job of a news reporter is pretty awesomely easy....but today i came to know how wrong i was actually....its a combined effort of an entire effing team to get that news to us. Hours of nonstop working that's what gives us the results what we watch on TV !! 
                                                      Anyways there was this very cute person...that i have liked the very moment i had set my eyes on ;) :P well after the whole "showing things around" scenario.....we all gathered in their conference room...and then he introduced himself to us!! i came to know that he was the in charge of marketing and research and development  department. later after brief introduction...we all asked him few questions about the place, job opportunities and all......after all that it was actually amusing to see how we all had jumped from being professional to utterly familiar and informal people . n it was fun!! 
        we had discussed a lot of thing to him...asked him sum very personal questions n everyone shared few things about them. It was really surprising for us when he said that how shy he was actually as a person n its was actually inspiring to learn that how can one evolve from being nothing to being so amiably smart just by trying. 
      "TRYING" it sounds so easy but in reality i think its the toughest thing to do specially when one has hopelessly given up :/ . I am very shy person though i m not introvert it is still very hard for a person like me to speak publicly...i always mess things up n its embarrassing :P anyways i have decided long ago to stop complaining things and start taking initiative yeah that's what i m gonna do!! 
                   Sometimes we don't need a fairy godmother to show us the way..we just need to stop running, and see how every effing person we are surrounded by is effingly awsum. There is an inspiration everywhere :D so lets go out n explore the thing we want to explore, work on your weaknesses and turn them into your strength, lets do what we like and live our no one had ever lived before (effingly cheerful ^_^)
 yeah so day was good...i have met few awesomely enchanting people, learned few thing about the technicalities about the new channels ;) n used another day of my life learning something new :) GN SD n Tc folks :*

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