Saturday, August 17, 2013

DrEaMs ,HoPeS AnD SuMtHiNg ElSe ;) :)

Hey friends i knw its been a long time..........its just that my college has started n schedule is tight......but m still here i dnt have much to say..... wen i was child i wanted to be an astranaut...then i grew up...n that aim seems too hard to accomplish .....then animation n media had piqued my intrst but it too had faded with time as life has shown a clearer picture to me...nw i dnt knw how to say it but m confused, little bit distracted  n oblivious. if uh ask me wat is that i want to become or do in future my answer wud be simple....i want to live. live it my own way......... i think in todays time having a life of ur own n dying without or atleast with least regrets is one hell of achievemnt. In our process of growing up we meet hundred people, sum good sum bad, we learn, we hurt, standup n move on...things r just like that . i dream a lot...bcoz thats my life gives me a reason to fight everything n move forward even if in time it don't come true......often our dreams r crushed by harsh realities but still i believe . i have read that often bigger things start from little happenings just like dreams :)  i thing everyone shud dream it doesnt matters if it comes true or not....choose a way to walk on.........n hell never ever regret fr choosing!! either way its gonna make uh grow...isnt it.....:) . i have read sumwhere that we awl have a picture of "how things shud be" n thats the the process we start underestimating everything we have.......i dont wanna do that........i want to start everyday with happy smile n wanna end it with satisfied one uh see.. :) i  have this very religeous friend always saying me..."never loose hope, everything happens for a reason, always thanx jesus even fr ur hardships bcoz he is  a way good planner then us...n in time we will  be reveled to the happiness" . sumtimes i find myself wondering if i cud ever achieve anything in my lyf...if i wud be able to die in a way i i strong enough. sumtimes everything uh planned , uh want ,seems soo far....excatly thats wat m  feeling. i dnt knw wats gonna happen tomorrrow but i knw one thing i have expectations to live
upto, i have  dreams, hopes n little bit of sumthing else ;) 

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