Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Why Iñdïá ñèèds f3mîñîßm !! :¶

Hey guys wassup?? Hw r uh all doing?? Hopefully well?? :)
        Well as the title suggests today m gonna talk about feminism :p ohkk before uh all start freaking out saying ...."ohhh hell no....not another one of those crazy bitches" :p let me me make it clear :p there is a difference between a feminist n a feminazi :p n so I wanna humbly assure u all that m not a manhating, extremist feminazi bt rather a peace loving, freedom loving lil gal who just wanna be treated with respect n modesty in this male dominated hypocritical society we are living in :)
         Today I was sitting with my batchmates n we were talking about stuffs n suddenly I don't exactly remember why but one of the guy commented about how girls are less "intelligent" than guys :p n before I can reprimand him for this....one of my female friend agreed to that shit saying he is right -_- I mean seriously?? WTF was dat.
              Its already so hard to break the stereotype about girls being weaker sex n less capable than guys.....n now girls saying that thing is even more discouraging :/  I mean how the hell the situation is gonna get better if the main participant quit before the game even starts :p
           I know there are gals out there who want to try the age old technique of a happy life (which m not even sure works) i.e marrying a rich guy n spend his money :p (dare I tell uh, i have few girls like that in my friend circle)  but then there are girls like me too :p who wanna earn money ,status n all that shit by myself..now don't forget that >_< how can someone judge a whole species just like that n  saying that girls just want money bcozz they can't earn it :p
             N that is exactly why India needs feminism :p n mind i tell uh its probably a lil different than America...well just a lil :p India needs feminism not because men think that women are dumb (who gives a fishhhhh about them anyways ;) )  but rather because women are brainwashed enough to think that they are dumb  :p because women n men alike thinks that being harrased by catcalls n lil bit touching here n dere in public places is absolutely normal n it is something a gal shudnt mind DAT much :p . Because women thinks that it is okay for a guy to have double standards n date other girls while lecturing their sisters about how it is absolutely horrible to date a guy because apni izzat to apne hath hoti h "ladki" :p , Feminism is needed in India because guys thinks that calling a girl "Item" ,"Tota" , "Maal" increase her dignity 10 times over n there is nothing wrong with it ..while girls pride over being called a "TOTTA  :p , well this point might not be just about India but all the other countries as well ...where calling names using female synonyms is nothing to be bothered about whether it is about "ma*******" "r**d" "t*** maa ki ***#" or about *motherf*****" etc .It is women degrading uh know DAT?? Oh uh never noticed before?? ....ohh that's fine nobody does ^_^ not even women bcozz hey gals are bzzy calling other gals names :p
            I think its big time that we girls come to our senses n stop being a nonsense :p yes being a nonsense because everytime a woman call other women names or agree with guys while they are doing that....its stupid :p yesss don't give out that women empowerment n equality shit while doing the exactly opposite  :p n for the heroes of the story :p Will it be too much for uh all "mards" to stop being one n be a "human" first?? . Will it be too much for uh all to not open doors for us but rather open ur mouth n say something good??
         Respect n a genuine compliment is not too much fr uh all right?? :p
Anyways so yeah ....I can go on n on n on about this  but let it be for today no?? :D I don't want uh all to fall asleep here....so will continue this sum other time :)
               Till then let's try to bring the change by being one....sayonara ;)

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