Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GOSHH!! sum people >_<

hey frnds hw r uh awl?? once again i have updated after a long time.... well srry for dat actually my schedule had been pretty hectic from sumtime..with awl d assignmnts n xams. m nt a regular writter as by now uh have seen but i sumtimes seriously feels dat this is my only lil corner where i can clear my mind from awl the bullshit going on in my life (god sumbudy help o_O) well m nt in a very good mood right now ...reason??? well here i go...
                                       i guess having a hell of notes to be being so annoying from sumlot of time...having  fight wid bff...ur secret crush on that "secret sumbudy" gets exposed to the whole class n the experience not being very pleasent n finally getting used by ur gud frnd to get out of her trouble is quite a reasons to be in bad mood...-_- >.<  ohk ...........enuff of my sulking... well i guess awl these trouble r the part of teenage lyf....but i guess at sum phase of lyf  we awl cum across such two faced persons  who r sumthng in ur front n sumthng else behind ur i have said abt being used by one of my good frnd...i hate it really...nw the question is wat can be dun wid.such people?? specially of uh can't say "NO" ...
well firstly stop being a good person to them...remember uh dnt owe them anything so if they uh to do something uh don't  wanna do then say a clear NO...just forget abt being polite for once.
try to avoid them as much as possible....
never ever share anythng personal or important with such people they can use it against uh..
and finally even after awl these thing uh can't seem to get out of the clutches of that evil comrade then just fr once n awl critize him/her fr their behavior , try to make them understand their mistake (atlst one  final attempt -_-z) n then kindly show them the way out of ur life
.remember no regrets bcozz they r definitely not worth it

after awl sumtimes sum people r better of ur lyf....;-) right?? gudnite....bye !! sayonara :-D

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