Thursday, September 5, 2013


Heya frnds...i knw it has been long time.....n my last post wasn't exactly...."a post" but guess what??... today had a awsum the college........ we performed on "taiyab ali" it was  an act plus dance thing...n uh knw what.....awl the student plus teachers were cheering. the people were like "wow" n i was like "hell yeah" . recieved alot of appraisal.....n the function was a blast.....danced with seniors., got compliment from my crush...(guess who?? mr. hottie of the college ;) ) then me n my friends were just roaming around the city.....n now m here and very very tired..n i do have college tomorrow.....:/ my test r in the next week n have alot to study!! gosh i dont even know from where to start nw......why is it always that bad things always follow the good ones :P well i think its tha way of marilyn monroe says.."good thing fall apart so that better things falls together" :) i dunt knw wat future holds for me but m sure to atleast try to live it the way i want or if things get wrse then.....lets be positve n face it with head held high!! :P :D CYA!!

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