Monday, April 7, 2014

Imperfectly Perfect ;) :* ^_^

hey fellas!! it has been so long since i last updated...but i swear my schedule was so uptight plus i had to do a lot of things n blah blah blah!!! :) hope ya understand ;D goshhhh do uh guys ever feel insecure?? i mean i always feel that way during classes n awl. i think its natural as i  am surrounded with so many talented awsum blossom personas....ahm ahm aka friends...:D ohhhh yaar i so envy them :/ :D
                         Anyways ..i m actually preparing for C.A.T uh know entrance exams for top b schools in India....well i have two years to prepare as i m a sophomore in college but still ,i know a hell of guys who always makes me feels like hmm for better word umm a "Loser"  with big "L" :P  n hence this sulking thing has increased since then...well i havnt told much about myself  now have i!! well i m studying Business n wants to own a prosperous company in future !! LOL well i m pretty well stupid or uh can say kinda weird.. i always slips , mess things up n sumtimes makes a fool out of myself (well unintentionally DUH!! :D) hence no wonder when people laughs off my dreams as nothing...becoz they "believes" that i lacks talent in that department "sighs" :#                                                                                           
                                                                                                            anyways enough of this complaining.....:D After alllife is too short for complaints ...rite??? well today's day was certainly good, yeah as i had answered many  of the things in my mood is pretty_tweety ;* awsum..guess that's why m here pouring my heart out again hehe i mean writing !!  ^_^ uh know i have this certain "Sir" in my tuition who always seems to ignore me..even if i m answering ,he wouldalways  either taunt me , n say i need to improve or simply brushes me off!! like HELL YEAH!!! -_- but still i have decided to not let such things let me down anymore..after awl this is my life n i don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks!! all i know is that.....when success speaks failures shut itself up n so the rude people.
                 so guys if uh r going through the same ...don't bother..just keep on trying to do the things uh r good at, in better ways  n let urslef shine :) its uh who to cope with such.. either let them put uh down or stand up  for urself...well i m certainly going to do dat!! :) hopefully i will be strong enough someday to gain respect n recognition from the haters.. because.i believe the real victory lies in dat!! not in a commanding leader instead,, a leading be the unexpected, do the unexpected n  explore urself to be a better being than wat uh r right now afterawl........  this lyf is so beautiful live , laugh n understand rite ;) Ja Ne.......Alvida :)      PS-- uh can write to meh if uh guys feel like it!! i certainly wudn't mind to have gud online friends in my life ;) cya !!

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