Thursday, April 10, 2014

LOVE???? wats dat?? :P

He's smart, He's intelligent, He's concerning, He's awl dat tall,dark n mysterious.... for whom all gals fawn over....he is impatient, possessive n downright exact contrast of his other happy side!! he wud make me tea wen i m sick!! wud msg me " Gudmrning Beautiful "everyday...n wud hug me on my bad day. he wud b prideful n strong...while always keeps in mind  never to hurt mine!! he is my " Mr. Perfect". :)

                                                                     O.o   Uh wud say wat's all this about n who's is this guy?? well he is neel......the guy i m in love with!! a guy too perfect to exist and a guy who is always in my mind!! hehe actually he is only in my mind....not alive :P
           you must be thinking if i have gone crazyy or sumthing.....well let me tell uh ,,,m fine ;) well as normal as i can be but still...its true!! this guy has been on my mind since i have watched DDLJ(dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge ) every indian knws abt this movie n like every indian gal i started imagining(at the tender age of 11 mind uh :P) how awsum my raj wud be wen i'll growup!! how he wud come n sweep me off my feet to the sky!! Gosshhhh its so hilarious :D now as i think abt that!! i were so naive...but sab hote h rite?? :)

                                                                         well why m i blabbering this bullshit nw??hmm the thing is, yesterday i was talking to my long lost friend.. After awl the 'his n hellos' we finally settled to that awl time "Favourite " topic of gals....BOYS!! ^_^ i came to know about his now awsum frossom boyfriend for two year....n surprisingly how much of a pervert she had become ( must be his influence duh :D) . i was happy hearing her talking about her luvlife so happily . i was really happy so i said how lucky she's for having such a tender n caring i have no such luck..specially wen it comes to boys. but then suddenly she started crying n i was really surprised after knowing the whole story.
                                                               she said even though she loves him so much n h loves her as equal but sumtimes she starts hating it i asked why?? well bcoz as always he is moody, possessive, sexist, and downright commanding as most of the guys out there!! (one of the main reason for me still being a single)  sumtimes he is so out of control that she cud hardly handle him n wat happened three weeks back with her had me angered so much!! 
                                     HE SLAPPED HER!! not once but thrice -_- i mean the reason for dat is even more hilarious . uh knw why..bcoz she uploaded her selfie on the facebook!! i knw there are hackers n awl n i knw many people misuse such pics but is it a reason enough for slapping her?? the more is this he even know n control every lil damn thing in her life like wat she shud wear n wat not. where to go where not! :/  n wen i criticized him she asked me not to..bcoz he is her boyfriend n she loves him!! I mean WTF! >_<
 She said this is normal thing yr...guys do dat but he loves her very much n then i said its not luv...its more like a ego boost that many boys love to have!! owning a naive girl n boasting like a property n wen girl tries to confront
him....that "I love uh dear" always wrks :P   A guy who really i mean really love uh wudnt behave like a control freak but wud be like a friend who uh can rely on!! but she wudn't listen to me n at last i surrendered to our friendship n her argument :/ 
                  After coming home i thought about it a lot n finally i realise how things change wen we grow up!! how different reality is to the world which we had imagined in our childhood. a world where good defeat the evil n princess always gets the prince!! i thought abt my old self  drawing my shinning prince..who wud never hurt me . i thought abt my that frnd n awl that vows we had taken, to always stand by each other  n how she had argued with me fr a guy who had slapped her n finally i realise how heart wrenchingly fake everything was. or maybe with time our delusions fades off . 

                                               now i know that people are born with flaws n those perfect prince doesn't exist nor the eternal friendship thing!!people change..w awl the deal is dat uh cant change them  for ur sake but rather uh can choose the one who's worth it!! even with awl the flaws who wont be perfect but will give uh enough reasons to overlook his imperfections.
                                                                                    its never okay to hit your partner no matter how dire the situation is!! hopefully my friend will realise it soon or may be her partner will come to his senses n realise his mistake ...i don't know ! she's my friend n i luv her...its not my place to decide fr her :)

i know this blog post has become so long n if uh r still reading it?? than xx ......i appreciate it ^_^ Sayonara :*

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