Saturday, June 29, 2013

ThIs iS A lYF ,,,hOlD On na na yeah!! :D

heya friends....well most of the time when i write things in this blog is when i feel that too much things are bottled up in me and i wanted to let it awl out....the things i see at work, things happening to the people close to me n awl.......i update after so long is just bcoz i dnt want to write just bcoz i have to.......writting is an art, a platform infact a powerfull one where uh can use ur words as strength isnt it?? well i dnt knw much famous writters but i have read good books of some really great authors.......well sydney sheldon used to be my favorate ones(becozz they were the only ones available in our school library :D) other than tha jk rowling,agatha christie,dan brown, nicollas sparks are my fav...hey there r indian authors too whom i like to read well i have read many books sum r pretty good but i cnt remember many of their names right now just some whom i have read againa again like preeti shenoy, chetan bhagat , amish tripathy(if uh r a book lover uh wud knw why) .well uh awl must be thinking why i am telling uh awl this ..actually i was going through preeti mam's blog n was surprised to knw that months n months she used to write blog without anyone even watching it...but still she didnt stop....i think thats the spirit of writting right?? well todays blog is just to say thanxx to awl those who have been viewing this feels good to know that even if the number is less sum people r still intrsted reading wat uh feels its like sharing ur heartout to someone uh dnt have to wrry abt :) i knw my last sum blogs had been very depressing, where i always talk abt problems, needed to be change, revolution n awl....pretty hard to digest isnt it?? :D uh awl must be thinking that i m a complainer who always complains n do nthng....well its not like that ,,,,i enjoy my lyf yeah infact i live every ounce of it proudly!! wen ever someone says that "you r very responsible gal nikki" i always say that hey i m not responsible ,m just trying to die without regrets :P :D weird?? true but actually its a gud way to avoid many problems where uh consider urself as ur own judge . i consider myself very lucky to be born in my family......i knw i hadnt talked abt it very much so today m here to say sum few linness "AHm ahm"  abt my precious family.i will try not to write it much longer okay. well i have a small family with maa , paa n shivam( mah baby brother :* )  i love them awl. my mom is the worlds  coolest mom for me, i share everything with mom is my best friend..she is reliable, supportive, and very good at advices.....wenever i feel low consulting her always helps me.......i wish i cud tell her how much i love n respect her even after awl d fights i had wen  i become moody n create tantrums...she is the best person i can ever wish fr!! then nw comes to my dad well he is veryy serious n he speaks very less .he is possesive , protective n can be very non understanding( irritating :P srry dad:D) at a times but still i love him fr everything he has done fr every need (jo unhone puri ki ho mere bina bole) wen i see my friends i really find myself on a very good side of lyf.well who wudnt be wen uh have liberal parents, a fun job n world best n kindhearted girl as uh bestie huh ;) well nw as uh knw my parents lastly my bro..well in nutshell i can say that we share a "tom-jerry" relationship :D or "naruto-sasuke" watever uh like to say......:D we always fight even became famous in our neighbourhood as most noisy children but he is a part of myself n i owe to protect him its my family my sweet little safety...where i can i always come to :) m not writting this to shw my skills or sumthng (as uh knw i dnt have much :P) its just that i m feeling everything i have n want everyone out there to knw it..i guess its not only me who shud be but everyone else who feels low n down at a time!! always remember there is always sumone out there wishing fr a life uh r living......i knw there r many thing we want to have or do but its nt possible no??.......even we can achieve awl dat the list is just endless.......the least we can do here is to thank that sumone in the sky for "roti, kapda aur makan" he is giving us..the ability that we can afford using lappy n tabs today isnt it?? being gratefull to the people who have in sum way or other held sum place in ur lyf is sumthng which not only wud make that person happy but will give uh a inner joy as well....well i knw most of the people knw this but wat i m doing here is just reminding uh....ya awl intelligent fellows :D if uh hadnt done it or suffering than change it...this small things can create a big change..sumthing so microscopic that uh wont even find it but feel.....i firmly believe that its everyones right to do things they want..i myself is a believer.....i have dreams that i want to accomplish n will do everything i can to make my life the way i want it to be but i knw that even if awl those thing wont happen then also i will be hapy bcoz i tried...the latest a person  can do in this matter is to let go n least we can do is be happy....happy to understand the value of it right?? well m off here fr tonight .hope ya awl r not bored...well lets make the best out of everything then from tommorow lets try to enjoy lyf with a different approach n see the magic *BOOM* n have the way with it........jate jate ek line....>>>>
      ARZ KIYA HAI>>>>
"Khushiyan milti nahi mangne par,
 Manzil milti nahi raah pe ruk jane par.
 Bharosa rakhna khud par aur us rab ar,
 Sab kuch deta hai wo sahi waqt ane par."

 sayonara, goodnight n sleep well :) <3 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

AMEN ^_^ :)

Heyaa friends.....m here again ...i knw its been quite a time since i have updated but i was actually bzyyy .......:) there r lot of things going through my mind n m wondering from where should i start......its rainning here again..i think it gives me mood to write sumthing :D i actually have a habit of reading newspaper daily..n if by sum reason i cant then i collect them n read it wenever i get time :P my frnds call me wierd ( hey i told uh dat didnt i??) bcoz i dnt do a single thing which a normal youngster is suposed to do O.o i m nt into fashion n i hate accessories, i m anime lover n an avid book reader..i always keeps one wid me ^_^ anyways we can talk abt me later also......lets continue so what i was saying is dat yeasterday i was reading awl the newspaper(a week worth of newspaper which i have collected) n suddenly came through a article on oprah winfrey.....wen i had first heard abt her i had googled her out n was thoroughly impressed with her achievements...then i had heard abt her visit in india n was anxiously waiting to get it on the air...but i must say i was dissipointed after watching there was more of negative reviews then positive one.........i knw wat she had said was alll true..there r hell ov a problems here n we r still struggling to get there,,,the latest example is "uttarakhand baad" but stiil i feel that as one of the most influential celebrity in the world it was her duty to go in deep n understand an ordinary middleclass indian's lyf style . hey its a way better than wat normal people think abt here ya knw!! .....but she failed to bring sum positive side no??...there have nothing happened like dat ......even she had commented on traditional indian style of eating(using hands) i wish she wud have done more...but still i respect her alot after awl she is a woman of power , a personality we awl can learn from,,,,,:) she had gone through a lot but still she is standing tall n proud....i knw its been over a year since this"opera in india" incident but yeah while reading there her apreciation the old memories had resurfaced ........ i still admire her n her way of living is inspiring. i love her that line" feel like a queen and awl the problems are just the pebbles to which uh shud step on n move forward"  well hope soon..we wud grow n develop n wud shw not only her but the entire world that....we r way much better than wat they believe us to be :) here talking abt uttarakhand had certainly touched a chord.....god bless awl those army officers who have helped n still helping the victims there....god knws wat wud have happened if it wasnt fr them :/ i m too dissipointed with our leaders moreover m very dissipointed with myself......i m a part of this country but blaming eachother wud take us nowhere :/ once again nature have showed us that "who is the boss" n government has showed us that they are again the same "impotent" government  which are so proudly be selected by the damn fools( us) . its really a shame that just after 6 months of nirbhaya incident on 2 month of sarabjit...our government strategies hasnt improved that much its like nobody cares.....the special cammandos which are created to protect country r protecting the V.I.P's of our nation......bcoz we r ordinary people , our lyf isnt that valuable..wat wud happen if sum people die in bomb blast( refferring hyderabad blast here :/) there r hell lot of people there fr no tension there.gosh i dnt knw wat to do or say.....i just knw dat once i will find a suitable job i m definatly gonna do sumthng...(dnt ask me wat coz i dnt knw) m just here praying fr the people suffering from this calamity.....god bless!! ahh such a pessimist i m...:P well seeing the bright side.....most of the people are rescued..thanks to our brave soldiers hats off to them!! they have shown the true indian spirit i have seen the youngistan's reactions n can say that yeah situation r defiatly gonna change in future....bcoz its time to start now....i feel proud wen my friends trying to sort out the problems in the city, volunteering in helping other i am assured that things r improving even at a unnoticiable pace.....i have always seen many people who either had or currentlynwrking in foriegn saying that yo america is like this ,germany is like dat, uk is so clean n neat ..seriously sumtimes i feels like a they shud write poetry on them :P the thing that strikes me is why the same people wen comes back in india dont even think a second before loitering roads  with waste. they dont even think a second that its their own country which they are polluting even if they not gonna live here......i called this "foriegn fever syndrome" where uh r gonna like everything thats not our own :P yeah really.......i have read the reviews on various things n can say that every country is now strugggling with their own problems........whether if its pollution thing in china, finding jobs are stiill very difficult in USA although their conditions are improving n just like that.. even if those r nt shown out in the wrld it doesnt means dey dont exist...they do n we just have to understand dat!! if we have to become better we have to take things in our hand....admiring others n doing nothing is not gonna help nt if uh want to improve. its funny wen its ohk to speak (not so good) hindi..but if uh sucks at english then uh will become a laughing stock in india..even ur own frnds gonna ignore uh (we awl have seen english vinglish no??) but funny thing is dat in uk or us its not a people understands that english is not ur first language even i sucks in grammer ( srry fr dat plzz try to ignore ^_^)  i knw we have the potential to grow to be the best....but the things is people are addicted to the easy life we r living here...noone dares to take responsibilities......government, people nobody.....we awl just blame eachother n it had nt only spoiled our image in front of the wrld but in sumways have killed our conscience so much that nothng matters to us anymore as long as we r easy.....n then everybody goes on n say "is desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta" here i remember a line fr the film "rang de basanti"....."zindagi jeene k do hi raaste h ek jo ho rha h hone do.......ya dusra zimmedari uthao badalne ki" now here m asking are we capable enuf ki hum zimmedari utha sake?? yes ofcourse we are.......2nd >>are we trying to do so?? nope certainly not.....i knw once again i hAVE lectured uh awl alot ( according to my buddies m very good at it :D) n this blog has been very long..thanxx again if uh r reading this....its just dat i want people to try..try harder than wat they r doing,,n if uh have read this n feels that m right then start from urself....encourage people to stop taking shortcuts n wrk hard so there will be no need to do "jugaad".always remember that there is no shortcut to success......feel free to decide wat is right fr uh n things will fall in place on their own!! be happy have fun but without compromising with ur responsibilities.......n yeah luv urself <3 <3 sayonara ^_^

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WhAt ThE hElL!! O.o

Heya guyzzz........long time isnt it :P i havnt updated since last month!! well its nt like i dnt have anything to say hmm i guess its just dat  m feeling very lazyy as its been very hot here :) infact i have a hell of things that i wanna simply blurt it out !! things has been so hectic.....with full of sweet memories n sour experiences!! its raining here n finally m feeling here i m again!! ^_^ hehe uh knw i dnt like to get out in the rain then my bestie(a freakin rain lover) says to me..that once uh fall in love rainy season will become ur fav ones......n i was like really?? gosh.......i always read abt woman's right n awl .people says india is growing n conditions of women r better now..but the question is "really"?? is it so?? well m asking bcoz wenever i go out i dnt see it........anywhere!! atleast not in people's mentality.....a guy wont leave his seat in a bus bcoz he thinks that women shudnt be given such "luxuries" (as i must say it)...just bcoz women nw wants the equal rights of men but they can happily offer it to some other guy. well i m nt blaming the guy here but wat hapen to such men wen they rightfully n proudly sits in a reserved "women" compartment?? in india men grow up being a paradoxx.......they shamelessly hit on others sister but keep their own in confinements bcozz they knw this "big bad wrlds n cruels shameless guys" which in most aspects are similar to themselves!! its okay fr them to be a playboy playing with a gals feelings but wen a gal dare to do that they are being tagged as "sluts" why?? is it so wrng fr woman to be herself n take her decision without a man's consent?? I m feminist but m nt bicthing here bcoz of it...m saying awl thesse bcoz m hurt!! hurt fr my best friends who is going through awl these.......she has sacrificed her likes just to be with sumone(that bastard) she used to call her love.........who have dumped her nw just bcoz she didnt agree to sleep with him n he goes on saying that " hey mere paas ladkiyo ki kami nahi h tere jaisi to bht mil jayegi aur tu to utni sundar bhi nahi h"!! i mean what the being beutifull is the only trait to describe a woman?? a gal is nthng than a fucking body?? uske paas dil nahi hota...!! In our country men dont even needs a reason to be proud they just do n a woman have to prove herself being "wrthy" again n again!! I guess we awl have heard abt mallika's comment in cannes film festival.....n i personally feel that wat she had said was  partially true..even if my fav actress priyanka chopra says otherwise!! i think its bcoz of different upbringing. priyanka had born in a modern family with parents having liberal thinking but situations are different with mallika......her family was orthodox or "indian minded" wat i call them.....where a role of a men n women is predefinedn  n any type of changes r nt allowed. hmm but thinking deeply we can say that boys r nt only faulty here........gals are equally responsible!! they like to be pampered n always thinking emotionally gets them hurt.......i have learnt sum grt thing abt a woman's nature being at wrk....>>
1) they gets jealous wen another female colleage starts giving them competition n acquaring more attention ...but its doesnt matter wen a guy do that...they happily surrender themselves that yeah "gals r fool n its a fact...they can never beat any guy"
2) they r more bitchy than a guy n starts being more emotional just to get wat she wants...even if it makes them appears weak.
3) having desire to be appreciated fr beauty n always gives more time to makeup!!
i knw i knw m also a gal n thATS wat makes me sad.....the above points are not applicable fr awl the women out there n if uh r reading this n didnt like it than m heartly srry fr dat!!  its just dat m passionate abt lyf n want to see that in others too.........a woman's lyf doesnt end with marriage but rather starts with it.........being a wife a mother n having a family is i guess a biggest desire of a gal...mine too bt living a respectfull life is equally imortant!! awl the gals shud remember this that nature have made us different from boys not just to keep the balance but having n giving more than that. dnt compare urself with a man or try to be like him....,,,uh r a woman!! a beautiful, sensative, intelligent and heartfull n respect that!! be a emotional woman who can strongly handle her lyf like a man. uh can give lyf... men cant do that.......yeah!! remember ur place n remember every ounce of respect n love uh deserve......sacrifice is sumthng we mostly connects with a traditional indian woman n i agree that only a woman is strong enough to do dat but keep in mind fr whom uh r doing it........uh r not a waste but a part of a nature n treat urself like one . i wish i can say this to awll my wrk colleages but m srry that they r typical indian people n dnt want to change dat.......varsha di wants to marry n its her biggest goal in lyf n hemu sir thinks that "women r lower than trash n they should be shown there place" .i knw m just a mere teenager but yeah it confuses me alot ......i sumtime thinks that the biggest fight that our country is gonna face is nt that fight with china or america but rather a fight with itself!! fight to grow...grow upto its old glory!! a nation of prosperity, culture n lyf!! n fr that it needs equal contribution from female's side <3 i knw this blog has been so long...but told ya already want to let it awl out :) i have many questions n nw struggling to find the right answers but at the end i just want to tell my heart out!! abt hw proud i am fr being a woman...even with its difficulties i knw i will find my way one day!!  i wish that people will allow to change themselves sumday n lyf will be less troubled with less questions to answer right??

 :D i hope frthese awl...AMEN!! GOD BLESS!! cya later..^_^