Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jèálôüs €ñôûgh??

Well hello folks!!!! Wassup?? How are you all doing?? Its again been so long since I have written here.....well exams r over so m looking fr a part-time right now...let's see what happens ;)
                Anyways so today I am gonna talk about something which we all have felt and experienced at one point or other in our life :D yup!! Jealousy :/
Well being honest I get jealous very easily n I accept the fact that I have practically envied every effin person in my life who have outdone me in something lol (including my friends :p) I was really curious if all of you who are reading this post have gone through the same?? Have uh ever envied your friend for being a better dancer or singer ??or maybe  envied their capabilities for being so effin good in literally everything they do??
         Well I have this friend of mine and she is just effin perfect . she is a good dancer,a good singer ,have good dressing sense n on the top of that a looker ;) I just envy her so much.....n the bad thing is its getting to me. Though she don't know about this but I feel like a bad person every time i compliment her on something because i feel like m lying and hiding this sheer jealousy behind my facade. 
          Well as a result it slowly started to drift us apart lolll sounds so cliche right ;) but yeah I had this issue here and I had to deal with it.
                Well its not an easy thing to do certainly ...but one have to start somewhere right?? The first thing that i did was....I started pretending .(really u should try that too :D it works ) Not pretending to be happy but to be genuine in my compliments :)  I have read somewhere that keep pretending and it will turn into reality or some stuff :p lol so trying ;)
             Another thing one can do is take this emotion positively.... Or if u are a Capricorn uh can take this as a challenge ;) n improve urself !! Turn it into a driving force that will help you to be something far better :) I did that n it works . I asked her help n she helped me with my dance thing ....I dance a lot better now thnxx to her ^_^
                       Well ultimately m at peace with myself. Even though I still feel a streak of this negative emotion , I know how to deal with it!! With time we come to understand that nobody is perfect ...we all have our faults but our perseverance n patience can bring us a long way. M getting better day by day...n its the best feeling one can have :) growing n to know that some day uh will be mature enough to see beyond anyone's perfections and faults and understand the better meaning of it ,the real person  ...I mean that's lyf right??
The show must go on ;) sayonara :*

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