Monday, February 16, 2015

Bôrîñg Ràmblîñgs ;p

Hey guys was sup?? How r uh all doing?? ;) well m really tired right now so m gonna keep this short :) so yes the world celebrated Valentine's day two days ago....well I had a lunch party with my friends n we were celebrating in a small cozy  downtown restaurant .
                 The most interesting thing to see was numbers n numbers of policemen all around the city, roaming here n there (as if there is nothing more important than catching innocent couples n getting them married ) :p There were check post  everywhere n they would just ask all the by passers to stop just to see whether they are couple or not n if yes then, are they married or not ?? Lolll it was hilarious to see how much they are all concerned with this Valentine thing....when there are more pressing topics out there . :p but sadly that's not the case.....I guess BCoz fr them ,it is more important to stop this supposed to be nonsense (love) than stopping the actual one( rape, eve teasing , pissing in public etc etc mind uh) ;p ohhh yes being humiliated n getting eve teased by those creepy unknown men on the roads n have them ogling all over uh is not that big deal right??
           Anyways so yeah i enjoyed a lot ( of course I have such a sweet n loving friends) :* but the whole time this scenario kept repeating in my mind n I was left wondering that no matter how much pride I take about being a part of this youngistan n no matter how much modern n developed we claim ourselves to be....that incident showed an entirely different picture to me :/ We are still far behind from that ideal country our great leaders wanted it to be !! Because people are having their issues n sentiment lying in the wrong places , Because people just don't care, Because " is desh ka much nahi ho payega bhaiya"  :p
                 Its time to understand our priorities , to recognize them n implement them where they are actually needed !! Its time to make the country a lil more safer for the females n let them grow :) Its time to follow rules. Its time to set out fr a change n for that the first thing is to understand What should be given more importance than these petty matters out there :p
           Anyways there are so many things I really want to write right now.....but it seems like m out of energy so yeah sayonara to all ,take care :)

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