Saturday, September 27, 2014

A new learning experience :D

yo!! its been a while since i have been here :) well i wont say that i was busy.....but certainly i have my own ways of doing things :) i.e when i actually feel like it :D anyways..first of all hello ...well today had been a hectic day for me ....but there were incidents which had made the day fruitful :)
         Today we had been to "IBC 24" its a local but popular news channel here....n the experience was simply great :) before today i used to think that a job of a news reporter is pretty awesomely easy....but today i came to know how wrong i was actually....its a combined effort of an entire effing team to get that news to us. Hours of nonstop working that's what gives us the results what we watch on TV !! 
                                                      Anyways there was this very cute person...that i have liked the very moment i had set my eyes on ;) :P well after the whole "showing things around" scenario.....we all gathered in their conference room...and then he introduced himself to us!! i came to know that he was the in charge of marketing and research and development  department. later after brief introduction...we all asked him few questions about the place, job opportunities and all......after all that it was actually amusing to see how we all had jumped from being professional to utterly familiar and informal people . n it was fun!! 
        we had discussed a lot of thing to him...asked him sum very personal questions n everyone shared few things about them. It was really surprising for us when he said that how shy he was actually as a person n its was actually inspiring to learn that how can one evolve from being nothing to being so amiably smart just by trying. 
      "TRYING" it sounds so easy but in reality i think its the toughest thing to do specially when one has hopelessly given up :/ . I am very shy person though i m not introvert it is still very hard for a person like me to speak publicly...i always mess things up n its embarrassing :P anyways i have decided long ago to stop complaining things and start taking initiative yeah that's what i m gonna do!! 
                   Sometimes we don't need a fairy godmother to show us the way..we just need to stop running, and see how every effing person we are surrounded by is effingly awsum. There is an inspiration everywhere :D so lets go out n explore the thing we want to explore, work on your weaknesses and turn them into your strength, lets do what we like and live our no one had ever lived before (effingly cheerful ^_^)
 yeah so day was good...i have met few awesomely enchanting people, learned few thing about the technicalities about the new channels ;) n used another day of my life learning something new :) GN SD n Tc folks :*

Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy Endings :(

She knew..... this feeling was there since morning......this restlessness , now as she is picking out her outfit for the evening , she is still restless and dreading!! dreading what?? she don't know.
She choose her favourite dress....the one she had saved up for a whole month....she still remember how much she liked it ,From the very first time she had her eyes on that dress. She wanted to buy it  but she knew she couldn't afford it...."so what" she had thought...after awl life had never been easy on her...she smiles sadly. "I will buy that" she thought with determination n she did :) after months of saving ...she finally saved up enough to buy it . She can still feel it..the pride when she wore that dress for the first time , she knew even though life had never been fair to her, she always finds her way. That's the way she is, proud n elegant... even with all the imperfections she has .

She is unbreakable or that's what she has always thought but is she really?? Right now at the moment, as she is dressing up for the day she had waited for so long..she is not sure . she never thought that a mere phone call can affect her so much, so hard...that she is scared . She curls her hair, put on some makeup 'not too bright not too dull' just the way she likes it or rather he likes it .She chose the best pair of footwear, those platform heels he had bought for her on their fourth valentine....she was so happy then.....
               She is all ready why is she not feeling like it?? The happiness, the excitement....nothing. there is nothing more she can do, she is tired now.
                  As she is preparing to leave .....she knows, she cant hide anymore....even if she is breaking  inside, she have to face it. she pulls out her car from the garage and drive to the place they have decided to meet . After parking her vehicle as she enters the room...her eyes roam around for a while searching for his curly tousled hair which she adores so much and then it happens she spots him, their eyes meet ....she is watching him as he is watching her, strolling across the room to his table.Her footsteps are heavy but she kept walking and then there she is ....standing in front of him. she smiled but he didn't return it. Her heart sink for a bit but she keep smiling.

She pulls the chair n take the seat. They look at each other n now she know, that she is not strong, strong enough to face this, the regrets in his eyes, the way they are refusing to meet hers, the way he is trying to look at anything but her, now suddenly she wished she wasn't here....anywhere but here :/
                           She smile at him again, pretending to be fine as the waitress take their order. she just ask for a cup of coffee, she is not hungry anymore.....she waits for few minutes, she wants him to say something.....after few more minutes which seems like hours , he ask her if she is fine and there she is with a lump in her throat and being the brave girl she has always been she replied "yes"
   The waitress who has returned with their them on the table n leaves hurriedly. 'May be she knows it too' she thinks bitterly. He speak again but once again the words are stuck in his throat.....she knew it, this is hard for a guy like hurt someone else after awl this had always been his nature and this is the quality which had made her ,"a girl who swear to never love sum one " fall in love with him. n now that's what breaking her. The word she used to hate so much..."love". She didn't remember Wat actually love could she?? an orphan who was disowned  by her parents , was left to fend for herself  in this cruel world, how can she know Wat it actually  feels to be loved, to be taken care of,....but she did!! she survived those harsh years and today being known as one of the best doctors in the city..she is happy!! she finally stand up on her feet, all proud n merry . Never once the thought of being shattered crossed her mind but here she is again, struggling to keep up with the facade of indifference she had created in front of the man she thought will never hurt her, a man she loves unconditionally.....she don't want to cry,no  not in front of him. She don't want him to know how much power he actually has over she is smiling. Even though she is breaking , shattering she is smiling.

He is trying to say something but again renders speechless..finally she decides that she will spare him,... for the sake of his happiness... she will spare him of this situation!! she stands up n stay there for few seconds just watching him..taking him last time, remembering all those days when things were lovely.. She noticed the untouched cup of coffee which was once an evidence of their blooming friendship...after awl this place was where they had met for the first time . She smiles one last time....and very lightly.. she whispers  "I understand" then turn around to leave......he didn't stop her..... n just like that everything ended. None of them said save whatever that was left between one dared...afterawl

          True goodbyes are the ones which are left unsaid :(

Saturday, July 26, 2014

People And Their Signs :P

Hiii folks!! well its has been nearly two weeks since i have written sum !! well ...i m not gonna say DAT i was bzzyyyy,,,,bcoz i was just slacking off!! heehee m very good at that :P well maybe its bcozz of the rains !! do uh hate rains?? i certainly do :P
                                                     I really cannot understand dat Wat's so romantic about it??  haha it reminds me of a friend who used to love rains n wen ever...i would say..."i hate rains" she would always be like..."Its because uh haven't fallen in love yet" i mean seriously?? o.O anyways.....m not blabbering here anymore....i know i can be damn annoying :P

Today i really haven't thought about anything to write.....well maybe i will talk today about my depressing side of life :P kidding ......:D its more about the types of people uh come across with and about the difficulties in understanding their reactions!!

Does it happens with uh?? :O well it happens with me all the time... :P often  leaves me perplexed of either i should say what i m feeling or just leave for the sake of the "peace of my mind"!! :P 
                 Like it was just other day.....i was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends n we were chatting happily...suddenly one of my angry and left  n we were all like...."WHAT THE HELL HAD HAPPENED" lol!! later they awl were after her....were trying to make her happy (they still didnt knw wat the hell had pissed her off :P :D) .....n she was like..."i don't care." "leave me alone" n awl. i could pretty much see how much she was enjoying awl the attention she was getting!! :D

well that was my friend....n i have a lot of other drama queens in my friends circle...its pretty entertaining :D uh wasn't the first time...she had done something like dat ...n practically she was the reason i got into the astrology stuff in order to understand people's mind set!! haha well astro is not that simple.......but if uh by chance able to find out about one's sign....there are few things that can help uh out!!
The list goes like this :P :D
1. Symptoms :P = A mountain like ego, very fond of one ownselves, always talking about how awsum n beautiful, n incomparable they are, No matter how hard uh try...uh wont be able to budge their superiority complex :P always ends up either arguing or pissing off in practically every situation , will compete like never before...:P

RESULTS!! = if following are the symptoms of ur enigma aka "that person" He/she is probably either Aries, Leo or any other fire sign.... in many cases a Virgo with Aries or Leo as another sign :P 
Precautions=> avoid them :D uh have no other matter how awsum uh think uh r....with this personalities either uh will end up getting hurt...or end up being an outcast for life!! yeah ask y?? well practically they love to shine and people.. like them.....well alot :P  well unless uh have a Aquarius or Pisces personality that is  SAVE URSELF :p :D

2. Symptoms= free spirited people, talks alot, easy to talk but can be annoying n a little airhead !! have this disease of instability, extreme intelligence and hard to control and yeah a huge god complex :P

RESULTS =>uh have probably met an air sign..with awl the symptoms given above :P they are easy to deal with people mostly....but if uh r having a hard time dealing with one is probably bcoz.either uh r earth....{Instability + Stability = Boom} :P or another fire uh have Ur own god complex to deal with after awl :P mostly fire n air are compatible...but as i said...astro is far more complex...there are a whole lot of factors that affects  :) so..the best way is agree with them or leave!! there is no point in arguing bcozz air people have solid ideals which cant be budged :P so either they will hurt uh (as fire one) or simply brush uh off!! bcozz they don't do with bullshits :D  Bcoz fr them uh r nt worth it :D

RECOMMENDATIONS= adjust with them ,,,they are witty smart n easy going people to hang out with!! so a little compromise is wont hurt i guess :D they will make Ur day ^_^

3. Symptoms= have a stick up in their asses, most hardworking people practically alive in this planet :P hard to budge from their thoughts and beliefs, super organised, very vocal about criticism, no bullshit type people :P very very conservative :P

RESULTS => if following are the symptoms of Ur problem...then congrats!! uh have found an earth sign!! As i have said "NO BULLSHIT PEOPLE" n i hate them :P even if i m a water sign ( it is said that water n earth are very compatible ) well mostly bcozzz i had very bad experiences with awl the earthly persons in my life! especially Virgo's!! well my suggestion wud be.....keep Ur mouth shut!! don't talk just bcozz uh have to..this can piss them off :P don't be rude to them....bcoz when they insults , believe me it stings (alot :D) try to be organised n perfect around them (bcoz they are the perfect people who hate embarrassments :P ) smells nice....make sure uh r not stinking :P don't argue with them...bcoz.they are calculating people and believe me....the arguments is never gonna end (uh will probably take the argument with uh to the grave :P lol) so yeah..if they like uh, be with them but if they dont..stay away unless uh fit in the given criteria :D

4. Symptoms= Crybabies ,clingy, extremely emotional, mama's children , love  romance,,,practically over flow with it, easy to be pushed , shy ,manipulative, compassionate, happy, charming  , homely, lovable, loyal, honest, psychic (they will practically tell uh if uh r faking....they will see through it and dude uh r gonna get it in the ass later :P ) and emotional mood swings :P

RESULTS=> The above symptoms belongs to a water sign!! they have awl the traits which i have mentioned above and can  be very clingy and possessive!! if uh r dealing with a person, who is very moody and hard to comprehend and will take uh to a guilty trip with them...then dude...uh r dealing with water  :P!!  the best way to deal with a water is to be honest with them..bcoz they value honesty!! if uh don't like them...say it so(try to be a little humble while doing so )..they will naturally back off !! don't try to fake bcozz they can see through it and will rip off Ur mask!! they can be bullied unless their feelings get freeze up n then be ready to go through hell...bcoz then the manipulative games starts n no matter how smart uh r....uh r gonna get it hard n harsh :P matter if uh love or hate them n then everything is fine ;)

RECOMMENDATIONS=> if uh r befriends with them....then believe it,,,uh r lucky bcoz uh have the most compassionate n loyal companion n they will give uh the push wen ever it is needed!! bcozz this sign "supports" :)

So here it is!! a little description of signs though let me remind uh astrology have many factors,,!! there are different signs houses n awl !! but if uh r trying to figure out a complicated personality n wanna know how to handle them!! i think this basics will give uh a little idea..on how to approach them :) 

OK so m wrapping it up!! cya tc...buhbye  :D
P.S. = let me know if uh r confused or something :P ;) i will try my best to help uh out :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

VODKA N HONEY SINGHAAAA!! (Honey singh lovers please avoid) :)

hey Friends..!! i don't know if i shud write this or not bcoz..... for many people,it isn't going to be a Nice post!! well i just felt that i should write about this!! This may be my mindless blabbering or simply a piece of writing ....but still i wud appreciate if uh read it patiently!!

Its about The Awsum Trossum Mr YO YO HONEY SINGH  :P well if i have to describe him in one word then i wud say "Bastard" :P Don't get me  wrong..i like his music n awl but wen it comes to the lyrics "part"..well to me its down right "REVOLTING" :/

well today we all girls were sitting in the cafe n listening to the today was honey Singh special :P (I really don't understand what's special about it seriously) -_- anyways so we spent the whole "canteen time" (as i like to call it) listening to the things like ....."dhoyegi tu kacche aur gande bartan" "ban mitra di whore i mean mitra di ho" "choti dress me tu bomb lagti menu" "Char bottle vodka kaam mera rozka na koi mujhe roke aur na kisi ne roka" :P n uh knw wat ......sum of my friends were also singing n cheering up "yo yo honey singhhaaaaaaaaaa " :P

Well well i know we live in India n its a democratic country...n people can say to me DAT "if uh don't like it ,,,don't listen to his music, uh haters are doing nothing but promoting him , he is popular that's why uh r jealous ,....he is the most famous rapper in international music( seriously sum one  told me DAT once :D)" n so onn BLAH BLAH BALH :p  n i also know dat he has every right to sing whatever the hell he wants  n people too have their own rights to listen whatever the hell they want :D !! so let me explain if he has his own right to sing then i think i too have  my own right to say whatever the hell i wanna offence please :)

well the thing is just DAT.....i don't understand why most of his songs always have to be talking about either alcohol or girls(sexy gals in short dresses...looking like bomb or dhoing kacches n bartan  ) :P or simply whores etc etc!! I have heard LUNGI DANCE n i think its great why he always have to be so forward with his lyrics!! i think many of the gals dont even have listened to his VOL1 once....i think the true fan gals shud listen to it atleast once & then let me aware of their views!! I wonder if this is his idea of being cool or he is simply being "YO YO HONEY SINGH" (i mean being himself  :P)

Anyways i dont think its my place to talk bcoz i haven't yet achieved anything (well surely will do sum day ;)  ) n awl n i agree he have got talents..its just my opinion that he should be more decent with his lyrics!!  All his songs just leave me with a expression of him being a man chauvinist pig who don't know how to respect women!! 

Heyyy there are other rappers out there too.....EMINEM is one of them n i m his huge fan!! I love him n his lyrics are always pretty decent!! even "HARD KAUR" was a lady rapper n her popular songs didn't have to be in the league of vulgarism to become "popular"  :P 

Here is sum lines from his song "BEAUTIFUL" must listen to it ..its nice :)

But you'd have to walk a thousand miles

In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's minds
Just to see what we find
Look at shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you
So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
Oh, they can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you, yeah, so...

STAY Beautiful yeah :D

Its always sumhow end up about "girls" n i hate that!! REALLY!!  Well Anyways if any of "honey Singh" fans are reading this then please don't mind..its just my own opinion ..may be bcoz i m a feminist...or maybe i m a normal girl who have met guys who thinks gals are awll about face n body n beauty !! i think a beauty of a girl can be defined in many ways (well if you have find a nice one that is) well let me tell i m not at all a corny type ohkk but i definitely cant promote his sense of humour!! 

well my blabbering ends here ..ta ta buhbye!! cya :) 

n yeah...stay beautiful ;) or handsome :D

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Am a Woman Against Feminism

hey friends i was just surfing through the youtubes for entertainment n came across this one!! i completely agree with her even if i m a feminist!! i truely believe a woman shudnt seek to be equal wid men....but shud work on creating her own identity in this world..!! there is so many things that a woman is better at..n a woman shud make the most of it!! being a feminist doesnt means uh have to participate in rally n shout woman rights n awl!! it means doing wat uh want to do n achieving wat uh want to achieve...... not for proving urself  to others but for urself!! for ur own happiness!! a independent woman doesnt have to shout or argue......people must see her thoughts in her actions , in herself!!1 means treating everyone equally n be proud of who uh r!!  


ohkizz enough of my ranting ....ja ne !! cya!! 

Monday, July 7, 2014


hii frnds...i knw its too early for a new post bt cant helped it!! i found this poem while reading sumone else's bloG!! i knw i m simply copying it here from her's but seriously loved it!! this blog was named as "mukulika musing" n i loved this one!!

In olden days the roles of men n women were predefined!! a gal shud b like this n and a boys shud be like dat!! but as time is changes..women are willing to break the norms!! modern woman have enough guts to go out there n chase her dreams :) aj ki naari knows exactly what she wants n how to get it!! todays woman is not only gud with the housing chores but know her way through the company presentations!! she had become smart, daring and beautiful :)

gone were the days wen the most important in a woman's lyf was her virginity. the days where her cooking skills matter more then her feelings!! where being beautiful was everything to her..when her body used to define her more than her soul!! today's woman have become independent n knows her self still our society has long way to go..:) so enough of my ranting!! here is the poem!!

                          A PHENOMENAL WOMAN!! :)

I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size  
But when I start to tell them,
I say,
They think I’m telling lies.
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,  
The stride of my step,  
The curl of my lips.  
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,  
That’s me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,  
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.  
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.  
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,  
And the flash of my teeth,  
The swing in my waist,  
And the joy in my feet.  
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Men themselves have wondered  
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,  
They say they still can’t see.  
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,  
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.  
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.  
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,  
The bend of my hair,  
the palm of my hand,  
The need for my care.  
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.

gudnite to uh awl!! have a nice sleep!! ja ne ;)

BiRtHdAy bLaSt!! ;) :D

HI Friends!! Had a awsum blossom day yesterday!! uh know as day before yesterday ie 5th of July ....was my birthday. Well  i m more of a homely person...n rarely celebrate my birthdays uh knw ..weird?? i know but that's the way i m :P :D anyways i always do on my birthdays ..i was planning to spend it with a book, a glass of cold coffee and of course my bed :P :D but it didn't happen that way ..:P i got a call from my friend...bitch1 aka shraddha (oye don't mind her name..she's such a sweetheart ^_^) n she was  practically screaming on the phone ...(god save my ears O>O)

Our convo was like this  
 she = > "Niks today's Ur bday..:D??" 
 Me => "OH shit Sherlock!! uh r so intelligent :P "  
 she= Oyee i m so happy for uh n wishing uh awl d way in the morning n uh r not even grateful" 
 me =>  "Oh thank uh my lady...mai tera yeh ehsaan kaise chkaungi :P now Wat's d deal for calling so early??"
she => "oye lazy ass stop slacking off...nw say where is d party?? :P "  
 me => "Wat party?? :P forget it..i m gonna sleep today"    
 she ="haha i knew uh wud say that that's why we all had already planned the party at      sharp 2:00 pm, first lunch then mall , everybody is gonna be there n we awll r ..gonna have a full blast :P :D be sure to be there on time ...n yeah treat is on you :P :D, TATA n happy birthday ;) :P :D "

n hence i did finally end up being there....:P n yeah we really did have a blast!! i m really grate full to that bitch for being such a bitch :P (sweetheart) n throwing me such an awsum party!! ^_^ really one of the most memorable days of my r sum clicks :D

Really it was awsum day.....had so much fun after a long time :D did i tell uh that we r school buddies?? i guess not ..hehe well we awl were in the same school....but then went our own ways for colleging and awl.....the one who is wearing specs on my right is my best friend  :D she is still in college wid me...the one on my left is the bitch i was talking about ;) beautiful ne?? :D i know she is really a darling...the the one at the corner is ishita..she is currently studying medical  from Russia n came here on holidays....the last n the least is shubhangi she is also in the came college as me n really a good friend :) there r a lot more in this lill (mind uh :P ) gang of mine bt they all are currently out of the city.....hence we five were the only it wasnt fun any less :D 

i m not much of a social person bt still i believe that at the end of the day..if uh have people in Ur lyf to love n care for..then lyf is good ;) uh r blessed :D

Here my last pic ....they r gems of my lyf.they make me feel grateful n happy :) as a saying goes - happiness is nothing if uh don't have people to share with.....;) i m fortunate enough to be blessed with such great friends!! 
hehe sorry bt can't help this one..its pakka last okizz   :D. actually we awl were trying to make sexy pout faces.....but we ended up making these totally "not" sexy duck faces :P :D ...hahaha!! :P  had a loads of fun!! now m wrapping up this post!! AS for my bday wish..i wish happiness n well being of awl!! amen ^_^

sorry fr the swearing..:D tata ..Bobbye..Tc :)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Sharapova V/S Indians :P seriously?? :|

Ohioooo buddies!! surprised??didn't expect me so soon :P well  m surprised too!! :P anyways i m suddenly having this urge to write after hearing about THE WORLD WAR III i mean war between sharapova n sachin shipping fans!! lol i didn't knw how i shud react after reading awl DAT shit about ms sharapova just because she didnt knw who the greatt "sachin tendulkar" is!! :P

i mean seriously?? O.o after reading comments on her facebook's official page..i was dumbstruck !! i mean i seriously didn't knw if i shud be laughing hard or simply feel embarrassed :P gawd.....people were bashing her so badly ...some had even called her names like slut or sex bomb....just because she was ignorant of "The great Indian cricket "GOD"  sachin"  Whats the big this really such an issue??

well don't get me wrong i m a huge sachin fan n i ship him too......but going to such extent to criticize sum one who doesn't know him...i simply cant get that :/ I think sharapova is awsum too....afterawl she had won grand slams n awl!! how can being her not knowing mr tendulkar can make her a dumb n useless person....its so wrong!!
people should grow up.....n more likely they shud understand that by commenting such things n being an ass on social networking sites doesn't make them or Indians any great. Its just spoiling the reputation of indians n simply embarrassing our country in front of the whole world :( so what if she don't know the cricket's GOD :P is it a crime??...ab suli pe chadaoge kya.??..-_- its simply because Russians don't play cricket., maybe she don't have enuf time to learn things about other sports or maybe she is simply not interested!! why so much "hungama"over this :P Russians have their own sports n their own popular we know about them?? i don't think so....:P

i think currently India have more pressing issues than this....poverty line isn't getting down, girls are still being harassed, corruption is still here, prices r hiking day by day,unemployment n wat not!! why don't such people start considering these problems rather than fretting over such things!! I wish i can go to each one of them n can shout really hard in their ear "GROW UP N GET A LIFE PEOPLE...STOP BEING CHILDISH N EMBARRASSING US" :D  i think even Mr Sachin wudnt have mind so much..really!! ^_^

PEACE PEACE PEACE!!!  :D Phewwww..............(sighs)
anyways so my ranting is over here n now m off to sleep!! sayonara....take care!!! shubhratri :) X)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

# GiRl's $ToRy!! {Part-1}

hey guyzz!! its nice to be back!! hmm well everytime i think or more like decide dat i wud write every once in a while....but i never seem to be able to do so!! well let it be....m still trying no ;) well as always my habit of overthinking everything has always been a trouble for it cant be helped i guess!! anyways...have uh guys ever thought about breaking the norms??? its much easier said than done!!

even though i m an indian n i m very much proud of it...its still i find it hard to ignore the darker aspect of this....!! yesterday i was in the college and met a friend of mine who was absent....for a long time..i came to know that she was in the hospital. it was supposed to be a secret but i was lucky that she find me considerable enough to sought my help!! :) i  came to know thats she attempted suicide which resulted in her serious condition :/

the reason was revolting enough fr me to get hike up n now m putting it awl in my words here while speaking my heart out!! she belonged to a traditional joint family where woman are supposed to behave "woman like" and man are needed to be manly in short a typical indian family!! wat happened was she had started liking a guy from the college n had been in relationship since last December! and now her family found out abt the guy!!

her whole family is in chaos n everybody is blaming her for bringing shame to her family :( as if its not enough the elders or more like the "Mards" of the family have decided that now if she has enough guts to have an affair.then she is old enough to be married off :P yeahh she is likely going to be to get maried within a year....n worst is?? without her consent!!

she was crying so hard...i wasnt able to say a word :'( i was just stunned (once again mind uh :P ) by the stupidity of a society.....who thinks marriage is the solution of everything.....!! >_< if a girl is raped...marry her off!! if a girl is getting out of control(or called so)  then marry her off!! if the guy's family arent asking for much (dahej) marry her off..who know when will be the next time they will be able to find such guy :P gosh!! i Dont know Wat kind of intelligence(or called so) they have :P

they didn't consider her dreams....even if she was in love she never did let it affect her studies.....she was one of those straight A type!! always making her family proud whether in academics or sports!!she wanted to be an IAS but now everything is ruined n wats more sad is ...she thinks she deserve this..i mean really?? do uh think she deserve her dreams being snatched away from her just because she loved sum one???

why is it always the girl who is being blamed for??this double standards are ridiculous >_< In india where we have a great number of female deities who are not only being worshipped but being feared the situation of female is so worse..its hard to believe!! In the latest surveys india is in top ten countries which are unsafe for females!! its such a shame..!!

But i guess that's how it is...or shud be !! a place where from the childhood onwards a girl is taught to endure .they are not suppose to oppose or shouldn't speak....aisa to hona hi tha!!  In India everything is much harder.....surviving in "Shining India" is  a challenge itself even more so if uh are a woman!! its like  a war for females to dream n make their dreams come true!!

hmm even after saying awl these i think i cant ignore the positive aspects...that everything is changing!! :) i know its hard to believe but i can see the change...i can see it in myself!! a little girl is trying to find her identity n prove my worth. i can see it in my friends who even through awl the troubles are still struggling!! i can see it in my family...where my mom supports me so much!! dad has given me awl the freedom to choose my own path!! i can see myself growing slowly...understanding things day by day n i can see myself being happy even with awl the struggles because i guess its life :) the good thing uh another friend have gotten admission in a medical university in Russia n she is going to move there in September!!

yesterday at the get together we awl gals shared our happiness!! it was a grt moment....:) i believe each of them will fight n will find their way out of awl this mess!! i wud like to think that someday i wud breathe in india which wud be mordern...a way more than  wat it is now!! not just people having  mordern infrastructure but having mordern midsets . India is a young country n i wud surely like to have my share in developing it :)

May be sumday...i guess !! ^_^ CYA!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

RaNdOm cLiCkS ;) :p

frnds foreva :*
its meh ^_^
had awsum time with frnds :)

LOVE???? wats dat?? :P

He's smart, He's intelligent, He's concerning, He's awl dat tall,dark n mysterious.... for whom all gals fawn over....he is impatient, possessive n downright exact contrast of his other happy side!! he wud make me tea wen i m sick!! wud msg me " Gudmrning Beautiful "everyday...n wud hug me on my bad day. he wud b prideful n strong...while always keeps in mind  never to hurt mine!! he is my " Mr. Perfect". :)

                                                                     O.o   Uh wud say wat's all this about n who's is this guy?? well he is neel......the guy i m in love with!! a guy too perfect to exist and a guy who is always in my mind!! hehe actually he is only in my mind....not alive :P
           you must be thinking if i have gone crazyy or sumthing.....well let me tell uh ,,,m fine ;) well as normal as i can be but still...its true!! this guy has been on my mind since i have watched DDLJ(dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge ) every indian knws abt this movie n like every indian gal i started imagining(at the tender age of 11 mind uh :P) how awsum my raj wud be wen i'll growup!! how he wud come n sweep me off my feet to the sky!! Gosshhhh its so hilarious :D now as i think abt that!! i were so naive...but sab hote h rite?? :)

                                                                         well why m i blabbering this bullshit nw??hmm the thing is, yesterday i was talking to my long lost friend.. After awl the 'his n hellos' we finally settled to that awl time "Favourite " topic of gals....BOYS!! ^_^ i came to know about his now awsum frossom boyfriend for two year....n surprisingly how much of a pervert she had become ( must be his influence duh :D) . i was happy hearing her talking about her luvlife so happily . i was really happy so i said how lucky she's for having such a tender n caring i have no such luck..specially wen it comes to boys. but then suddenly she started crying n i was really surprised after knowing the whole story.
                                                               she said even though she loves him so much n h loves her as equal but sumtimes she starts hating it i asked why?? well bcoz as always he is moody, possessive, sexist, and downright commanding as most of the guys out there!! (one of the main reason for me still being a single)  sumtimes he is so out of control that she cud hardly handle him n wat happened three weeks back with her had me angered so much!! 
                                     HE SLAPPED HER!! not once but thrice -_- i mean the reason for dat is even more hilarious . uh knw why..bcoz she uploaded her selfie on the facebook!! i knw there are hackers n awl n i knw many people misuse such pics but is it a reason enough for slapping her?? the more is this he even know n control every lil damn thing in her life like wat she shud wear n wat not. where to go where not! :/  n wen i criticized him she asked me not to..bcoz he is her boyfriend n she loves him!! I mean WTF! >_<
 She said this is normal thing yr...guys do dat but he loves her very much n then i said its not luv...its more like a ego boost that many boys love to have!! owning a naive girl n boasting like a property n wen girl tries to confront
him....that "I love uh dear" always wrks :P   A guy who really i mean really love uh wudnt behave like a control freak but wud be like a friend who uh can rely on!! but she wudn't listen to me n at last i surrendered to our friendship n her argument :/ 
                  After coming home i thought about it a lot n finally i realise how things change wen we grow up!! how different reality is to the world which we had imagined in our childhood. a world where good defeat the evil n princess always gets the prince!! i thought abt my old self  drawing my shinning prince..who wud never hurt me . i thought abt my that frnd n awl that vows we had taken, to always stand by each other  n how she had argued with me fr a guy who had slapped her n finally i realise how heart wrenchingly fake everything was. or maybe with time our delusions fades off . 

                                               now i know that people are born with flaws n those perfect prince doesn't exist nor the eternal friendship thing!!people change..w awl the deal is dat uh cant change them  for ur sake but rather uh can choose the one who's worth it!! even with awl the flaws who wont be perfect but will give uh enough reasons to overlook his imperfections.
                                                                                    its never okay to hit your partner no matter how dire the situation is!! hopefully my friend will realise it soon or may be her partner will come to his senses n realise his mistake ...i don't know ! she's my friend n i luv her...its not my place to decide fr her :)

i know this blog post has become so long n if uh r still reading it?? than xx ......i appreciate it ^_^ Sayonara :*

Monday, April 7, 2014

Imperfectly Perfect ;) :* ^_^

hey fellas!! it has been so long since i last updated...but i swear my schedule was so uptight plus i had to do a lot of things n blah blah blah!!! :) hope ya understand ;D goshhhh do uh guys ever feel insecure?? i mean i always feel that way during classes n awl. i think its natural as i  am surrounded with so many talented awsum blossom personas....ahm ahm aka friends...:D ohhhh yaar i so envy them :/ :D
                         Anyways ..i m actually preparing for C.A.T uh know entrance exams for top b schools in India....well i have two years to prepare as i m a sophomore in college but still ,i know a hell of guys who always makes me feels like hmm for better word umm a "Loser"  with big "L" :P  n hence this sulking thing has increased since then...well i havnt told much about myself  now have i!! well i m studying Business n wants to own a prosperous company in future !! LOL well i m pretty well stupid or uh can say kinda weird.. i always slips , mess things up n sumtimes makes a fool out of myself (well unintentionally DUH!! :D) hence no wonder when people laughs off my dreams as nothing...becoz they "believes" that i lacks talent in that department "sighs" :#                                                                                           
                                                                                                            anyways enough of this complaining.....:D After alllife is too short for complaints ...rite??? well today's day was certainly good, yeah as i had answered many  of the things in my mood is pretty_tweety ;* awsum..guess that's why m here pouring my heart out again hehe i mean writing !!  ^_^ uh know i have this certain "Sir" in my tuition who always seems to ignore me..even if i m answering ,he wouldalways  either taunt me , n say i need to improve or simply brushes me off!! like HELL YEAH!!! -_- but still i have decided to not let such things let me down anymore..after awl this is my life n i don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks!! all i know is that.....when success speaks failures shut itself up n so the rude people.
                 so guys if uh r going through the same ...don't bother..just keep on trying to do the things uh r good at, in better ways  n let urslef shine :) its uh who to cope with such.. either let them put uh down or stand up  for urself...well i m certainly going to do dat!! :) hopefully i will be strong enough someday to gain respect n recognition from the haters.. because.i believe the real victory lies in dat!! not in a commanding leader instead,, a leading be the unexpected, do the unexpected n  explore urself to be a better being than wat uh r right now afterawl........  this lyf is so beautiful live , laugh n understand rite ;) Ja Ne.......Alvida :)      PS-- uh can write to meh if uh guys feel like it!! i certainly wudn't mind to have gud online friends in my life ;) cya !!